
unusual facts about Aesculus hippocastanum

Montague James Mathew

During the present session of parliament, the speaker, having addressed the latter as the former, Montagu Mathew observed, it was strange he should make such a mistake, as there was as great a difference between them as between a horse chesnut and a chesnut horse.

Aesculus × carnea

Aesculus × carnea, or red horse-chestnut, is an artificial hybrid between A. pavia (red buckeye) and A. hippocastanum (horse-chestnut).

Orto Botanico dell'Università di Trieste

At present, about 1 hectare is planted with specimens including Aesculus hippocastanum, Laurus nobilis, Prunus avium, and Sambucus nigra, as well as Helleborus, Polypodium, Seseli, and Valeriana.

see also