
unusual facts about Agenda

154 BC

Gaius Gracchus, Roman politician, younger brother of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, who, like him, will pursue a popular political agenda that ultimately ends in his death (d. 121 BC)

Academia Semillas del Pueblo

Critics, spearheaded by Los Angeles radio host Doug McIntyre, accused the publicly funded school of fostering an "anti-American" agenda of "racial separatism."

Academic Karelia Society

The AKS controlled the student union of the University of Helsinki from the mid-1920s right up to 1944, when the Society was disbanded in the aftermath of the Continuation War that to a great extent had been planned and fought in accordance with the AKS agenda.

Agenda 2000

The reforms were first outlined in the documents with the title "Agenda 2000" published by the Commission in July 1997.

Agenda 21

The United States is a signatory country to Agenda 21, but because Agenda 21 is a legally non-binding statement of intent and not a treaty, the United States Senate was not required to hold a formal debate or vote on it.

American Committee for Relief in Ireland

Jim Larkin, an Irish trade unionist, who had been closely associated with James Connolly in Ireland and with the Wobblies in the USA, was serving a five-year sentence in Sing Sing prison for promoting his socialist agenda.

Art Hanger

During the 1st and 2nd Session of the 39th Parliament he served as Chair of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, and also chaired the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

Arthur Tange

The conservative forces in the military and coalition parties in Australia often regarded him as a man bent on destroying the sensible and time-honoured traditions of the individual services, whilst the political left in the universities, unions and labour movement saw him as a prime example of the old public service 'mandarin' who told his ministers what to do and pursued a conservative agenda no matter who was in government at the time.

Battle of Guoloph

The pro-Saxon agenda of Vortigern eventually led to his fall and probably around the latter part of the 450's, the Britano-Romans finally united under the Banner of Ambrosius, besieging Vortigern at his fortress at Caer-Guorthigirn (Little Doward, Herefordshire) which they burned to the ground killing everyone inside.

Better Ghana Agenda

The term Better Ghana Agenda, a policy vision, is used by the current ruling party of Ghana, the National Democratic Congress of Ghana.

Bosnia and Herzegovina general election, 2010

Štefan Füle, European commissioner for enlargement and neighbourhood policy, urged Bosnian politicians to speed up the establishment of State and Entity governments using the EU agenda as a negotiation base for coalition building.

Brundtland Commission

The ideas of neoliberalism and the institutions promoting economic globalization dominated the political agenda of the world's then leading trading nations: the United States under President Ronald Reagan and Great Britain under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, both strident Conservatives.


Joining forces with Change FIFA, Damian Collins, Conservative Member of Parliament for Folkestone and Hythe and member of the House of Commons' Culture, Media and Sport Committee, has called for Sepp Blatter's re‑election as FIFA president to be suspended and a "reform agenda" to be introduced at football's ruling organisation.

David Azrieli

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that "What you won’t find on either the Azrieli foundation’s or company’s websites is that in 2010 the Azrieli Group apparently donated NIS 30,000 to Im Tirtzu" even though the Azrieli group "claims it has no political agenda."

Eric Sedler

As a leading member of the Issue Department for the Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, Sedler worked with House leadership and state legislators to develop communications programs to advance the caucus agenda.

Fatah al-Islam

The PLO representative in Lebanon, Abbas Zaki also met with official bodies in Lebanon to officially inform them that the group is made up of "extremists" and is not linked with Palestinian agenda.

Genevieve Bell

Her book, Divining a Digital Future: Mess and Mythology in Ubiquitous Computing, written in collaboration with Paul Dourish, is an exploration of the social and cultural aspects of ubiquitous computing, with a particular focus on the disciplinary and methodological issues that have shaped the ubiquitous computing research agenda.

Giancarlo Pagliarini

Pagliarini is a moderate, sometimes dissenting with the party's social-conservative agenda, a libertarian, especially on economic issues, and a prominent supporter of fiscal federalism and fiscal conservatism.

Graeme Leung

Citing the Fijian cultural inhibition on frank expression of strong opinions, he said that it would be unwise for the government to interpret the silence of the majority of its citizens as approval of its agenda.

Green liberalism

The Liberal Party of Canada under Stéphane Dion placed the environment at the front of its political agenda, proposing an ecotax and tax shift it called the Green Shift.

Hilary Armstrong

Armstrong was seen as a politician on the centre-right of the Labour Party, and was close politically to her near neighbour Tony Blair and the New Labour agenda.

Intelligent design movement

On a far smaller scale, Larry Caldwell and his wife operate under the name Quality Science Education for All, and have made a number of lawsuits in furtherance of the movement's anti-evolution agenda.

Jim Hogshire

His works have been published in such magazines as Harper's, Gentleman's Quarterly, Details, Esquire, CovertAction Quarterly, Omni, FAIR, The Animal's Agenda, and Lies of Our Times.

Johan Ulvenlöv

He is the author of the book Netroots, a progressive blog movement that set the agenda (Bilda Publishers, 2010, ISBN10:9157481199), where also the famous American blogger John Aravosis participates.

John of Fordun

Thomas Innes argued that some of the history these men presented was doubtful in his Critical Essay (i, pp. 201–2,4), but Innes himself had his own political agenda and his work has also been criticized by modern historians.

Kalonji Jama Changa

In September 2001, Akua Njeri (Former Black Panther and widow of slain Black Panther Fred Hampton), Nkrumah Anpu (Blk Agenda) and Changa organized The Welcome Home Fred Hampton Jr.

King's speech

Speech from the throne, delivered by a monarch (or representative) outlining his government's agenda

Living Marxism

and Peter Melchett that the group of writers associated with LM continue to constitute a 'LM Network' pursuing an ideologically motivated 'anti-environmentalist' agenda under the guise of promoting Humanism.

Minister for Civil Society

The post is currently held by Nick Hurd and concerns charities, volunteering, social enterprise and the 'Big Society' agenda of the Coalition government.

Miss Kicki

But her hidden agenda is that Taipei is also the home of the Taiwanese businessman (Eric Tsang) with whom she has been conducting an Internet romance.

Nasrollah Jahangard

He led the team for planning and implementing Takfa (similar to a "national ICT agenda" in some other countries), the first Iranian comprehensive countrywide plan for ICT.

National Birth Defects Prevention Network

Also on the annual meeting agenda are sessions designed to encourage information sharing and networking, such as poster presentations and exhibits.

National Issues Forums

In its early years, NIF depended on Public Agenda, an agency founded by Daniel Yankelovich, to select issues for NIF.


Most of the station’s programming comes through once off short films and documentaries, although there are several regular shows including, the current affairs programme, 'Agenda'; 'Kick out the Jams', a music show named after the MC5 song of the same name; the 'Experiences of Childhood' series; the 'Book Show'; and feature interviews titled 'A Few Moments With...'.

Peter van Onselen

He also hosts Australian Agenda on Sunday mornings, a joint production between Sky News and The Australian newspaper, interviewing politicians such as Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott, John Howard, Barry O'Farrell and Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Phoenix Cricket Club

Phoenix CC is the oldest cricket club in Ireland, founded in 1830, by John Parnell, the father of Charles Stewart Parnell famous for bringing Irish home rule to the forefront of the political agenda, was a short lived member.

Robert McCarrison

"A decade later, when the Commission's chairman, Lord Linlithgow, became Viceroy of India he showed a personal interest in nutrition, pushing it to the top of the research agenda. In 1936 a Nutrition Advisory Committee was established and roughly a tenth of IRFA's annual grants went to fund nutrition research at Coonoor and Calcutta".

Scott J. Freidheim

Since 2006, Freidheim has participated in many panels at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland as well as at the inaugural New Champions Meeting in Dalian, China and was a member of the WEF's Global Agenda Council.

Shalindra Fernando

His agenda in Stade was due to political ties which his grandfather had.


The decision to use renewable energy was made with 'Agenda 21' of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit in mind, which has sustainable development at its heart.

Southeast Bank Limited

Southeast Bank Foundation operates under a double bottom line agenda where Bank’s sustained growth objectives and social responsibility go hand in hand as it strives towards a poverty free, prosperous Bangladesh.

Szeming Sze

Dr. Szeming Sze from the Chinese delegation, Dr. de Paula Souza from the Brazilian delegation and Dr. Karl Evang from the Norwegian delegation, not knowing of the US-UK consultations, agreed that the question of establishing a new international health organization should be put on the conference agenda.

The Agenda Project: America the Beautiful

Erica Payne, the founder of the Agenda Project, is a political strategist, communications expert, policy analyst, and author.

The Civil Rights Agenda

The Civil Rights Agenda was Founded in June 2010 by attorney Jacob Meister, who serves as the organization's Governing Board President.

The Feast of Lupercal

The poet Patrick Hicks argues that in writing the novel Moore "interrogated the educational system that taught him a version of masculinity that he found unacceptable" and that this enabled him "to become, arguable, one of the first contemporary male novelists with an overtly feminist agenda".

The Myth of Hitler's Pope

:"anti-papal polemics of ex-seminarians like Garry Wills and John Cornwell (author of Hitler's Pope), of ex-priests like James Carroll, and or other lapsed or angry liberal Catholics exploit the tragedy of the Jewish people during the Holocaust to foster their own political agenda of forcing changes on the Catholic Church today."

Tracing board

Though the various Grand Lodges were then generally hostile to the creation of any physical representations of the Ritual and symbols of the Craft, the time-consuming business of redrawing the symbols at every meeting was gradually replaced by keeping a removable "floor cloth" to display the symbols, and of which different portions might be exposed according to the agenda .

United Nations Association – UK

The issue features an article by International Development Secretary Justine Greening, on the post-2015 development agenda, as well as contributions from former-MEP Stanley Johnson and Paul Ingram, the Executive Director of the British American Security Information Council.


But the main ongoing agenda was the African American civil rights movement where he covered church civil-rights meetings, KKK rallies, and protests, and interviewed such notables as Martin Luther King, Jr., Ralph Abernathy, Marlon Brando, Harry Belafonte, and others for the station.

World Development Report

“A dynamic ‘agriculture for development’ agenda can benefit the estimated 900 million rural people in the Developing world who live on less than $1 a day, most of whom are engaged in agriculture,” said Robert B. Zoellick, World Bank Group President.

see also