
3 unusual facts about Humanism

Joseph Margolis

In large part this disciplinary eclecticism reflects his ambition to overcome the apparent opposition between the naturalist tradition of analytic philosophy and the humanistic tradition of Continental philosophy.

Lorraine Barrett

Barrett is a humanist and intended to retire from constituency politics in 2011 to concentrate on her humanist celebrant duties.

O Lucky Man!

Travis finishes his sentence as a model prisoner, and converts to Humanism.

Alec Peterson

Peterson is said to have shaped the entire educational philosophy of the IBO, basing it on his own humanist and liberal beliefs on the concept of education.

Anthony Grafton

His many books include a profound study of the scholarship and chronology of the foremost classical scholar of the late Renaissance, Joseph Scaliger (2 vols, 1983–1993), a revisionist account (with Lisa Jardine) of the significance of Renaissance education (From Humanism to the Humanities, 1986), and, more recently, studies of Girolamo Cardano as an astrologer (1999) and Leon Battista Alberti (2000).

Augustine Fernandes

His doctoral dissertation on the philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal provides a valuable account together with a critical appreciation of Iqbal’s Islamic humanism.

Bartolus de Saxoferrato

Ephraim Emerton, Humanism and Tyranny (Gloucester, Mass., P. Smith, 1964 c1925).

Big History

In the first half of the 20th century, secular biologist Julian Huxley originated the term "evolutionary humanism".

Christian humanism

They tend to align with liberal secular humanism and one of their outspoken advocates is retired US Bishop John Shelby Spong.

Collège de France

Of humanist inspiration, the school was established as an alternative to the Sorbonne to promote such disciplines as Hebrew, Ancient Greek (the first teacher being the celebrated scholar Janus Lascaris) and Mathematics.

Edward Burdette Backus

Edward Burdette Backus (1888–1955) was an American Unitarian minister and humanist.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

In 2002, Federico Mayor Zaragoza co-founded with Boutros Boutros Ghali, John Brademas, Edward J. Nell, Karim Errouaki and Alain Chanlat the Centre Humanism, Management & Globalization (HMG) at HEC-Montreal.

Francesco Scipione, marchese di Maffei

An antiquarian with a humanist education whose publications on Etruscan antiquities stand as incunabula of Etruscology, he engaged in running skirmishes in print with his rival in the field of antiquities, Antonio Francesco Gori.

František Šmahel

František Šmahel (born 17 August 1934 in Trhová Kamenice) is a Czech historian of medieval political and intellectual history, known for his works about Hussitism, Universities in the Middle Ages, Humanism, and Monarch representation in the Middle Ages.

Georg Büchner

Born in Goddelau (now part of Riedstadt) in the Grand Duchy of Hesse as the son of a physician, Büchner attended a humanistic secondary school that focused on modern languages (including French, Italian and English).


The family name is based on the genus Gesneria, which honors Swiss humanist Conrad Gessner.

Gottfried Feder

After attending humanistic schools in Ansbach and Munich, he studied engineering in Berlin and Zürich (Switzerland); after graduating, he founded a construction company in 1908 that subsequently was particularly active in Bulgaria where it built a number of official buildings.

Igor Engraver

The company was later sold to new owners, and in 2002 Peter Bengtson retired from active involvement in the company, which is now owned by Björn Ulvaeus (formerly of the pop group ABBA), Christer Sturmark (a Swedish author, I.T. entrepreneur, and debater on religion and humanism), Per Gessle (a member of the pop groups Gyllene Tider and Roxette), and Cons T. Åhs (a computer science researcher).

Isotta Nogarola

She lived in celibacy and solitude, becoming devoutly religious, choosing instead to submerge herself in God and the Bible rather than humanism.

Jan Kochanowski

At Padua, Kochanowski came in contact with the great humanist scholar Francesco Robortello.

Living Marxism

and Peter Melchett that the group of writers associated with LM continue to constitute a 'LM Network' pursuing an ideologically motivated 'anti-environmentalist' agenda under the guise of promoting Humanism.

Louis-Joseph Lebret

He was involved with the drafting the documents Gaudium et Spes, an influential voice in the crafting of Populorum Progressio and a founder of the Économie et Humanisme (Economy and Humanism) movement.

Ludovico Trevisan

An account of his victory is also available in an important contemporary war poem, Trophaeum Anglaricum by Florentine humanist Leonardo Dati, which praises Trevisan's caution as much as his impetuosity, comparing him to captains of antiquity such as Alexander the Great and Hannibal.

Michael Allen Gillespie

He has published on medieval theology, Petrarch, humanism, Erasmus, Luther, Erasmus, Montaigne, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, American political thought, the relation between religion and politics, and the role of sports in human life.

Michael Leff

The humanistic approach to rhetoric was often distinguished as “Ciceronian Humanism” because Cicero played a dominant role throughout its history and development.

Music from the Motion Picture O'Horten

With the tragicomedy O'Horten, Norwegian writer-director Bent Hamer (Factotum, Kitchen Stories) returns to his domestic landscapes, off-beat humanism and stylistic quirks of earlier works.

National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies

The National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies, or the AHS as it is more commonly known, is a national umbrella organisation for free-thinking, atheist, humanist and secular student societies in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Nicolas Chorier

This manuscript claimed that it was originally written in Spanish by Luisa Sigea de Velasco, an erudite poetess and maid of honor at the court of Lisbon and was then translated into Latin by Jean or Johannes Meursius, a humanist born in Leiden, Holland in 1613.

Paul Danblon

His book, Au bonheur de vivre: libres propos d'un mécréant (Éditions Complexe, 1999), traces the evolution of his religious philosophy which began with devout Catholicism and evolved into agnostic humanism.

Paul Magdalino

He is a fellow of: Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in Early Christian Humanism, Catholic University of America; Alexander-von-Humboldt Stipendium at Frankfurt and Munich; Humanities Research Centre at Australian National University.

Rodolphus Agricola

He is best known today as the author of De inventione dialectica, as the father of northern European humanism and as a zealous anti-scholastic in the late-fifteenth century.

Rudolph von Langen

Rudolph von Langen (1438 or 1439 – December 1519) was a German Catholic divine, who helped introduced Humanistic ideas to the town of Munster, Westphalia.


Post-Humanism: Post-humanists believe in Prigoginic Levels of Complexity and its surrounding philosophy and science.

Seward Collins

Collins was infatuated with the writings of prominent humanists of his day, including Paul Elmer More and Irving Babbitt.

Sharaf Khan Bidlisi

And once Bidlisi attained maturity, he was thought the martial arts (sipahigira), archery, polo, racing, swordmanship, and the precepts of chivalry - humanism and generosity.

Steve Brook

Owing to his literary and historical talents, his writing, journalism, and biographical reflection is a significant source of documentation of the Jewish left in Australia and its international connections from outside academia and from the point of view of a non-ideological, humanist insider.

Stonesoup School

Linton Hutchinson provided an integration of current learning theory, drawing upon Carl Rogers, Jean Houston, John Lilly, humanistic psychology, information from Jane Roberts and alternative education models.


The early 20th-century Humanist astrologer Dane Rudhyar reported that the astrology of his era "originated almost entirely in the work of the Alexandrian astrologer, Claudius Ptolemy".

The God Argument

The God Argument: The Case against Religion and for Humanism is a 2013 book by English philosopher and humanist, A. C. Grayling, which counters the arguments for the existence of God, and puts forward humanism as an alternative to religion.

The Praise of Folly

The essay was inspired by De Triumpho Stultitiae, written by the Italian humanist Faustino Perisauli, born at Tredozio, near Forlì.

The Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal

In the award of the Norton Medal (endowed by Charles Phelps Norton) to Kurtz in 2001, 'The Transcendental Temptation' was noted, amongst Kurtz's other contributions to secular humanism, as a seminal work on the topic.

see also