
unusual facts about Agents

Alfred Mele

Without committing himself to the idea that human autonomy is compatible with determinism or incompatible (a position held by both libertarians and incompatibilists), Mele provides arguments in support of autonomous agents for both positions.


ATC code B01 Antithrombotic agents, a subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System

Bandini 1000 V

Rear: Independent, triangle and lower arms swinging shock hydraulic telescopic inclined agents on portamozzo, torsion bar, camber caster, and Toe adjustable

Barbara Jane Mackle

The FBI set up their base in Lawrenceville, Gwinnett’s county seat, and more than 100 agents spread out through the area in an attempt to find her, digging the ground with their hands and anything they could find to use.

Barbara Minty

Barbara was signed with power modeling agents Eileen Ford and Nina Blanchard and became an in demand model, gracing the covers of dozens of magazines as well as advertisement in the 1970s.

Bat-Ochirin Eldev-Ochir

By the mid-1920s he had attracted the notice of Comintern agents who were looking to recruit younger, more radical, and preferably “rural” party members to challenge the authority of “old guard” revolutionaries such as Prime Minister Balingiin Tserendorj, Deputy Prime Minister Anandyn Amar, and Party Chairman Tseren-Ochiryn Dambadorj.

Benjamin Hawkins

In 1786, Hawkins and fellow Indian agents Andrew Pickens and Joseph Martin concluded a treaty with the Choctaw nation at Seneca Old Town, today's Hopewell, South Carolina.

Bob Krueger

He was traveling on a bare highway in Cibitoke, when gunmen with AK-47s attacked the motorcade, before being diverted by Diplomatic Security Service agents Chris Reilly and Larry Salmon.

Cats Falck

The deaths remain unsolved but later reports claim that they were assassinated in a state-sponsored operation by agents from East Germany.

Cecily Lefort

She is recorded on the Runnymede Memorial in Surrey, England; and, as one of the SOE agents who died for the liberation of France, she is listed on the "Roll of Honor" on the Valençay SOE Memorial in Valençay, in the Indre departément of France.

Centaurea maculosa

Thirteen biological pest control agents have been used against this plant and its cogener, diffuse knapweed, including the moths Agapeta zoegana and Metzneria paucipunctella, the weevils Bangasternus fausti, Larinus obtusus, and Larinus minutus and Cyphocleonus achates, and the fruit flies Chaetorellia acrolophi, Urophora affinis and Urophora quadrifasciata.

Chin Peng

The first party of that force, consisting of Capt. John Davis and five Chinese agents, had been landed in Malaya on 24 May 1943, by submarine.

Cuthbert Mayne

The few missionaries who arrived from Douai, once their existence was learned by agents of Elizabeth I's government, were then looked upon as a large force of papal agents meant to overthrow the Queen.The authorities began a systematic search in June 1576, when the Bishop of Exeter William Broadbridge came to the area in Cornwall.

Development anthropology

In this branch of anthropology, the term development refers to the social action made by different agents (institutions, business, enterprise, states, independent volunteers) who are trying to modify the economic, technical, political or/and social life of a given place in the world, especially in impoverished, formerly colonized regions.

Double-Cross System

However, when V-1s launched from Heinkel He 111s at Southampton on July 7 were inaccurate, British advisor Frederick Lindemann recommended the agents report that the attack caused "heavy losses" in order to save hundreds of Londoners each week at the expense of only a few lives in the ports.

George Musulin

After the war the CIA conducted its own investigation into Musulin, which concluded that he had acted appropriately and that he had been the victim of James Klugmann and other British agents in the SOE with communist sympathies.

Glaucoma medication

Parasympathomimetic (miotic) agents, including cholinergic and anticholinesterase agents


Graigwen is served by one pub - the Tŷ Mawr Hotel in Pantygraigwen, (which was used in the BBC Wales soap, Belonging), one club - the Pontypridd District Club, a garage and two news agents/grocery stores one of which previously served as Graigwen Post Office.

Greg Fahy

He was also Head of the Tissue Cryopreservation Section of the Transfusion and Cryopreservation Research Program of the U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland where he spearheaded the original concept of ice blocking agents.

Günther Enderlein

At that time it was also known that plasmodia (the causal agents of malaria) were able to change form during their different developmental stages.

Holborn tube station

The pre-war operation of the station and the branch line features in a pivotal scene in Geoffrey Household's novel Rogue Male, when the pursuit of the protagonist by enemy agents sees them repeatedly using the station's escalators, passageways and the shuttle service.

Hollow Nickel Case

But it was not until KGB agent Reino Häyhänen (aka Eugene Nicolai Mäki) wanted to defect in May 1957 from Paris, that the FBI was able to link the nickel to KGB agents, including Mikhail Nikolaevich Svirin (a former United Nations employee) and Vilyam Genrikhovich Fisher.

IB affair

Evidence was put forth in 1974 that IB had built up a large network of agents in Finland, which included the Finnish foreign minister Väinö Leskinen.

Jerry Lynn Young

After only a month on the run, Young was arrested with accomplice William Webb by FBI agents as they left their motel room in Akron, Ohio on June 15.

Kostas Karamanlis

A group of Pakistani men has claimed that they were abducted by Greek and British intelligence agents in the wake of the 7 July 2005 London bombings.


Lugduname (from lat. Lugdunum for Lyons) is one of the most potent sweetening agents known.


Helpful here is J. K. Gibson-Graham’s complex topology of the diversity of contemporary market economies describing different types of transactions, labour, and economic agents.

Mexican Repatriation

In order to achieve this goal, he publicly endorsed Secretary of Labor William N. Doak and his campaign to add “245 more agents to assist in the deportation of 500,000 foreigners” (Balderrama 75).


The granulopoiesis is regulated by humoral agents, like Colony Stimulating Factor and Interleukin 3.

Operation Cauldron

The video shows a flight coming in and describes the arrival of the biological agents from MRD airport in Merida, Venezuela.

Operation Seagull II

Following the completion of their training both agents- Brady for Seagull II and Andrew Walsh aka.

Øystein Runde

Runde and Moen reimagined them as a reluctantly assembled team of special agents, forced to cooperate because of a zombie invasion in the Frogner Park.

Peter Borovsky

He microscopically examined sections of sores excised in their early stages, before they ulcerated, and was able to detect oval bodies with a nucleus and a small process, which were usually located inside host cells, and made the correct conclusion that the observed organisms are the causative agents of this disease, and correctly ascribed it to Protozoa.

Point Cabrillo Light

The opium trading brig Frolic wrecked on a reef near Point Cabrillo in 1850; the investigation of the wreck by agents of Henry Meiggs led to the discovery of the coast redwood forests of the Mendocino area and the beginning of the timber trade that would drive the local economy for decades.


FBI Academy, the training site for new Special Agents of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation

Ralph McGehee

Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair hailed it as "one of the outstanding books written by former CIA agents".

Rawalpindi District

The Dhunds and other tribes of the Murree Hills, incited by Hindustani agents, rose in insurrection, and the authorities received information from a faithful native of a projected attack upon the station of Murree in time to organise measures for defence.

Ricardo Muñoz

In April, 2007, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents searched the shop as part of an investigation dubbed "Operation Paper Tiger."


Narrowly escaping an ambush by S.P.I.D.E.R. agents, Selina arranges for her contact to leak the base's location to Interpol.

Sarge Steel

He was apparently the head of a small agency known as the CBI (Central Bureau of Intelligence), which also included King Faraday, and Faraday's two well known agents Richard Dragon and Ben Turner.

Seitz decision

233, 261 (W.D. Mo. 1976) aff'd, 532 F.2d 615 (8th Cir. 1976) After all appeals were exhausted, Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association signed a new agreement in 1976 allowing players with six years experience to become free agents.

The Convention Crasher

Amazingly, after Collins' performance of Delilah and It's Not Unusual, the agents and judges were sufficiently impressed to offer him bookings.

The FBI Story

But it wasn't until a KGB agent, Reino Häyhänen, wanted to defect in May, 1957, would the FBI be able to link the nickel to KGB agents, including Vilyam Genrikhovich Fisher (aka Rudolph Ivanovich Abel) in the Hollow Nickel Case.

The Match King

One of his agents discovers an eccentric recluse named Christian Hobe (an uncredited Harry Beresford) has invented an everlasting match, so Kroll has him locked away as a madman.

Theodore J. St. Antoine

He is active in labor arbitration of union and management disputes, acting as arbitrator in dozens of Major League Baseball arbitration matters, the parties of which have included the league and individual teams, agents, and players, including Curt Schilling, Sandy Alomar, Jr., and Darryl Strawberry.

United States Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division

Civilian CID agents either attend CIDSAC, or the Criminal Investigative Training Program (CITP) at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) at Glynco, GA.

United States v. Karo

Drug Enforcement Administration agents installed an electronic beeper in a can of ether with the consent of the owner, a government informant.

United States v. Mendenhall

During her walk through the airport, she was noticed by two Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents.

Vincent Meli

He was named by former Detroit mobster Nove Tocco and retired federal agents as an associate of Michael Bane, president of Pontiac, Michigan's Teamster Local 614, during federal investigations into labor union corruption.

Werner von Clemm

The operation was stumbled upon by mistake by agents of the Treasury Department when they searched a Budweiser beer box being carried by two American soldiers of German descent.

see also