
unusual facts about Protozoa

Peter Borovsky

He microscopically examined sections of sores excised in their early stages, before they ulcerated, and was able to detect oval bodies with a nucleus and a small process, which were usually located inside host cells, and made the correct conclusion that the observed organisms are the causative agents of this disease, and correctly ascribed it to Protozoa.


protozoa | Protozoa |


It can be used to treat bovine East Coast fever protozoa in vitro, along with the only other substance known - Peganum harmala.

Butler Act

By the terms of the statute, it could be argued, it was not illegal to teach that apes descended from protozoa, to teach the mechanisms of variation and natural selection, or to teach the prevailing scientific theories of geology or the age of the Earth.

Dense granule

They are found in animals and in unicellular organisms including Apicomplexa protozoans.

Echinaster echinophorus

It was found that an extract from its tissues showed activity against Leishmania amazonensis, the protozoan parasite causing the tropical skin disease leishmaniasis, and had the advantage that it was not toxic to the mice on which it was tested.

Even-toed ungulate

Cellulytic microbes (bacteria, protozoa, and fungi) produce cellulase, which is needed to break down the cellulose found in plant material.

Félix Mesnil

In 1903, together with Alphonse Laveran (1845–1922), he showed that the parasite responsible for the visceral leishmaniasis (or Kala-azar, a fever in India), first described by William Boog Leishman (1865–1926), is a new protozoa, different from Trypanosoma, the agent of the sleeping sickness, and from Plasmodium, the agent of paludism (malaria).


The member Holospora is an intracellular parasite found in the unicellular protozoa Paramecium.


A notable group of organisms which have an extensive lipophosphoglycan coat are the Leishmania species, a group of single-celled protozoan parasite which cause Leishmaniasis in many mammals, including humans.


The first division of the protists from other organisms came in the 1830s, when the German biologist Georg August Goldfuss introduced the word protozoa to refer to organisms such as ciliates and corals.

Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis

Spores form a part of the life cycles of a diverse range of organisms such as many bacteria, plants, algae, fungi and some protozoa.


Tritrichomonas is a genus of single celled flagellated protozoan parasites, some of whose species are known to be pathogens of the bovine reproductive tract as well as the intestinal tract of felines.

see also