
8 unusual facts about Rawalpindi District

Attock Group of Companies

Attock Group of Companies commonly known as Attock Group is a Pakistani multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Rawalpindi District.


Goreeni is located in the South of Abbottabad district and forms part of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa's border with Punjab province where it borders Murree Tehsil of Rawalpindi District.

Government Polytechnic Institute Attock

The Government Polytechnic Institute Attock, or GPI Attock is a government technical education institute in Attock and Rawalpindi District, Punjab, Pakistan.

Jonathan Addleton

He spent his early years with his parents in Upper Sind then attended the Murree Christian School, located at an old British Himalayan hill station near the tiny crossroads town of Jhika Gali in the Murree hills of Rawalpindi District, Punjab province.

Rawalpindi District

The Dhunds and other tribes of the Murree Hills, incited by Hindustani agents, rose in insurrection, and the authorities received information from a faithful native of a projected attack upon the station of Murree in time to organise measures for defence.

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, member of National Assembly and owner of Air Blue.

The invasion of Demetrius in 195 B.C. brought the Punjab under the Graeco-Bactrian kings.

Thoha Khalsa

Rawalpindi District has been inhabited for thousands of years, it is believed that a distinct culture flourished on this plateau as far back as c.

Louis Vaughan

Following that, he was General Officer Commanding (GOC) of two command areas in India: the Central Provinces and Berar District (1923 to 1924), and Rawalpindi District (1925 to 1926).

see also

Dada Amir Haider Khan

Dada Amir Haider Khan was born in 1900 in a remote village called, Siahlian Umar Khan, in Rawalpindi district and orphaned at an early age.