Aggiungi un posto a tavola is a musical comedy written by Pietro Garinei, Sandro Giovannini and Iaia Fiastri, which debuted in 1974 under the direction of Garinei and Giovannini.
Always in collaboratio with Giovannini, he wrote numerous musicals such as Un paio d'ali, Ciao Rudy, Rugantino, Aggiungi un posto a tavola.
Aggiungi un posto a tavola | Il Posto | Roberto Tavola | Kaliopate Tavola | Gran Tavola |
Then, Chelli achieved a major fame on stage, starring in a number of successful musical comedies such as Rugantino (1978, together with Enrico Montesano), Cyrano (1979, with Domenico Modugno), and Aggiungi un posto a tavola (1990, with Johnny Dorelli).