Aggiungi un posto a tavola is a musical comedy written by Pietro Garinei, Sandro Giovannini and Iaia Fiastri, which debuted in 1974 under the direction of Garinei and Giovannini.
He made a brief comeback to Italy in 1955 for the Garinei and Giovannini musical comedy La Granduchessa e i camerieri (The Grand Duchess and the Valets).
Always in collaboratio with Giovannini, he wrote numerous musicals such as Un paio d'ali, Ciao Rudy, Rugantino, Aggiungi un posto a tavola.
Pietro Mascagni | Pietro Bembo | Pietro da Cortona | Ponte San Pietro | The Battle of San Pietro | Pietro Tacca | Pietro Perugino | Pietro Canonica | Pietro Annigoni | San Pietro in Casale | Pietro Tenerani | Pietro Tagliavia | Pietro Frua | Pietro Consagra | San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro | Pietro Verri | Pietro Scalia | Pietro Lombardi | Pietro Gori | Pietro Delitala | Pietro de' Crescenzi | Pietro Badoglio | Pietro Paolo Cristofari | Pietro Nobile | Pietro Musumeci | Pietro IV Candiano | Pietro Garinei | Pietro Della Valle | Pietro Cascella | Pietro Aretino |
Rugantino is a musical comedy by Pietro Garinei and Sandro Giovannini, which debuted at the Teatro Sistina in Rome, Italy, on 15 December 1962.