
unusual facts about Agilent Technologies

Agilent Technologies

Agilent announced it would increase its life sciences engagement through the acquisition of Halo Genomics, based in Uppsala, Sweden, which was involved in next-generation sequencing technology development.

AWR Corporation

As of 2010, AWR Corporation's major competitors include the EEsof EDA division of Agilent Technologies, Ansoft Corporation, and Cadence Design Systems.

Economy of Reading, Berkshire

Other technology companies with a significant presence in the town include Agilent Technologies, Assuria, Audio & Design (Recording) Ltd, Bang & Olufsen, Cisco, Ericsson, Harris Corporation, Intel, Nvidia, Sage, Sagem Orga, SGI, Symantec, Symbol Technologies, Verizon Business, Virgin Media, Websense, Xansa (now Steria), and Xerox.

PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation

PXI is promoted by the 54-member PXI Systems Alliance (PXISA), whose sponsor members are (in alphabetical order) ADLINK, Aeroflex, Agilent Technologies, Geotest, Gigatronics, National Instruments, Pickering Interfaces and Teradyne.

UTC Reading

The University of Reading, Reading College and Oxford and Cherwell Valley College are the lead education sponsors of UTC, while business partners include Agilent Technologies, CGI Group, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, and Network Rail.

see also

Mic Farris

In addition, he was Director at Elanix (now Agilent Technologies) from 2000-2001, and Technical Marketing Manager at Mentor Graphics from 2001 to 2002.