
3 unusual facts about Agrippina

Archaeological Museum of Kavala

On the ground floor of the museum are artifacts from ancient Amphipolis including a marble bust of a woman (4th century BC), a marble grave stela of an ephebe (5th century BC), a large gold finger ring and a gold olive wreath that were found in Macedonian Tomb 1 (3rd century BC), a headless marble statue of a woman wearing a peplos (1st century BC), and a portrait bust of the Roman empress Agrippina.

Corsica et Sardinia

C. Cassius Longinus, the lawyer accused of conspiracy by Nero was sent to the province as was Anicentus, murderer of the first Agrippina.

Lucius Junius Gallio Annaeanus

It is probable that he was banished to Corsica with his brother, and that both returned together to Rome when Agrippina selected Seneca to be tutor to Nero.

Alexander Runciman

He also created various religious paintings and an altar-piece in the Cowgate Episcopal Church, Edinburgh, and easel pictures of Cymon and Iphigenia, Sigismunda Weeping over the Heart of Tancre, and Agrippina with the Ashes of Germanicus.

Battle of Strasbourg

Apart from the major fortified city of Colonia Agrippina (Cologne), only three strongpoints on the Rhine remained in Roman hands: a single tower near Cologne and two forts, at Rigodunum (Remagen) and Confluentes (Koblenz).

Fiona Walker

Her best remembered TV part is probably the role of Agrippina in the BBC adaptation of I, Claudius (1976), directed by Herbert Wise.

Giuseppe Maria Boschi

During the first decade of the century he is known to have performed at Casale Monferrato, Vicenza, Ferrara, Vienna, Bologna and at Venice, where he created the role of Pallas in Handel's Agrippina for the 1709–1710 Carnevale season.

Lucius Junius Silanus Torquatus

He committed suicide on New Year's Day, 49, the same day that Claudius and Agrippina married.

Nero's Weekend

The domineering mother Agrippina and the wise philosopher Seneca try to make change the personality of the emperor, but nothing can makes Nero is a wise and honorable regent.

Ottone in villa

Emperor Claudius became another Roman emperor, Otho (Ottone), who had already appeared as a protagonist in Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642) and in Handel's Agrippina (1709).

Richard Earlom

Among his historical and figure subjects are Agrippina, after Benjamin West; Love in Bondage, after Guido Reni; the Royal Academy, the Embassy of Hyderbeck to meet Lord Cornwallis, Colonel Mordant's Cock Fight and a Tiger Hunt, all after Johan Zoffany, and Lord Heathfield, after Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Vincenzo Grimani

He is best remembered for having supplied the libretto for George Frideric Handel's early operatic success Agrippina, though he also supplied libretti for Elmiro re di Corinto, by Carlo Pallavicino, and Orazio by G. F. Tosi.

see also