Alain Delon | Alain Bashung | Alain Resnais | Alain Prost | Alain Whyte | Alain Touraine | Alain Connes | Alain Badiou | Alain Souchon | Alain Chamfort | Alain Juppé | Jehan Alain | Alain Rohr | Alain Ducasse | Alain Veinstein | Alain Tanner | Alain Robert | Alain-Fournier | Alain Bosquet | Jacques-Alain Miller | Alain Lombard | Alain de Mijolla | Alain de Botton | Alain de Benoist | Alain Daniélou | Alain Clark | Alain Barrière | Alain Afflelou | Alain Sailhac | Alain-René Lesage |
In a tribune Liberty for history, 19 historians (including Elisabeth Badinter, Alain Decaux and Marc Ferro) demanded the repeal of all "historic laws": not only the February 23, 2005 Act, but also the 1990 Gayssot Act against "racism, xenophobia and historical revisionism", the Taubira Act on the recognition of slavery as a "crime against humanity" and the law recognizing the Armenian genocide.