
5 unusual facts about Albanian Declaration of Independence

Azis Efendi Gjirokastra

Azis Efendi Gjirokastra was one of the signatories of the Albanian Declaration of Independence.

Dervish Biçaku

Dervish Biçaku was one of the signatories of Albanian Declaration of Independence.

Ismail Ndroqi

A supporter of Ismail Qemali, he was one of the local leaders of Tirana during the Declaration of Independence of Albania.

Odeta Nishani

Her father originates from a Kosovo merchants' family that settled in Durrës in 1905, while her mother comes from the Karaosmani family, whose grandfather Qemal bej Karaosmani was one of the signers of the Albanian Declaration of Independence and who served as Minister of Agriculture in Ismail Qemali's government.

Zyber Hallulli

Together with Rauf Fico, Mytesim Këlliçi, Luigj Shala and Xhelal Toptani he co-founded Streha Vorfnore, the Albania's first public orphanage, on November 28, 1917, the date of the fifth anniversary of the Albanian Declaration of Independence.

see also

Vlora of Albania

Syrja Vlora, signatory of Albanian Declaration of Independence