
2 unusual facts about Balfour Declaration

Oliver Ford Davies

In 2010 he appeared as Balfour in the premiere of Ben Brown's play The Promise, about the Balfour Declaration.

Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland

In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour communicated the Balfour Declaration to the leader of United Kingdom's Jewish community Lord Rothschild for transmission to the Zionist Federation.

New Zealand–United Kingdom relations

Subsequently, separate appointments were made; this distinguished the representation of the British Government in New Zealand from that of the shared monarch, in sympathy with the principles set out under the Balfour declaration thirteen years earlier.

The Balfour declaration of 1926 emphasised the equal status of members of the British Empire and their free association in the British Commonwealth, (latterly the Commonwealth of Nations).

Ramat David

The kibbutz was established in 1926, and was named after David Lloyd George, who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom when the Balfour Declaration was made.

Upper Galilee

Following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the Balfour Declaration in which the British Empire promised to create "A Jewish National Home" in Palestine, the Zionist Movement presented to the Versailles Peace Conference a document calling for including in the British Mandate of Palestine the entire territory up to the Litani river — with a view to this becoming eventually part of a future Jewish state.

see also