
2 unusual facts about Alberic

Auguste-Louis-Albéric, prince d'Arenberg

He was noted for his great wealth and extensive properties throughout France, in particular at Menetou-Salon (Cher).

Third son of Pierre d'Alcantara Charles Marie, duc d'Arenberg and Alix de Talleyrand-Périgord, he inherited his father's title because of his older brothers' premature deaths.

Alberic III, Count of Tusculum

Alberic III (died 1044) was the Count of Tusculum, along with Galeria, Preneste, and Arce, from 1024, when his brother the count Roman was elected Pope John XIX, until his own death.

Elisabeth of Courtenay

The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines mentions that Elisabeth married Walter Count of Bar-sur-Seine (died 1219) and then Eudes I Lord of Montaigu.

Pope Agapetus II

Hoping to rejuvenate the religious life of the clerics in Italy, Agapetus, with the blessing of the Princeps Alberic, asked for the abbot of Gorze Abbey to send some of his monks down and join the monastic community attached to the church of Saint Paul Outside the Walls.

Robert of Molesme

Meanwhile, the monastery at Cîteaux, under the direction of Albéric, and especially Stephen Harding, became the cornerstone for the new Cistercian Order, which grew to greater fame in the 12th century under Bernard of Clairvaux.

Stephen Harding and Saint Alberic – two of Robert's monks from Molesme – were pivotal in founding the new house, as Robert ended up staying for only a year.

see also