
3 unusual facts about Albin Polasek

Albin Polasek

Notable among those are The Pilgrim and The Mother (1927), both located in the Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago, and the Pilgrim at the Eternal Gate in Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland.

Albin Polasek was a close friend of fellow artist Louis Grell while he lived at Tree Studios in Chicago.

Polasek's better-known works include the Theodore Thomas Memorial (1924), the Masaryk Memorial (1941) in Chicago, the Wilson Memorial (1928), Radigast (1929) and Sts. Cyril and Methodius (1929) in the Czech Republic.

Midway Plaisance

Statues of the father of modern taxonomy, Carolus Linnaeus, and an equestrian statue of the Knight of Blanik, a legendary Czech savior who emerges from Blaník mountain in his nation's hour of need by famed sculptor Albin Polasek, grace the Midway.

see also