
2 unusual facts about Alexander I of Scotland

Alexander of Scotland

King Alexander I of Scotland or Alaxandair mac Maíl Coluim (c. 1078–1124), King of Scots, called "The Fierce"

Earl of Dundee

In 1107 Sir Alexander Carron, nicknamed Schyrmeschur ("The Swordsman") for his deeds against the northern rebels, was granted the arms and name of Schyrmeschur by King Alexander I.

Abbot of Dunfermline

Monks had been sent there in the reign of Étgar mac Maíl Choluim (Edgar, 1097–1107) and Anselm had sent a letter requesting that Étgar's brother and successor King Alaxandair mac Maíl Coluim (Alexander I, 1107–1124) protect these monks.

see also