
8 unusual facts about Pope Alexander VI

Battle of Fornovo

He was granted free passage through Milan, but was vigorously opposed by Florence, Pope Alexander VI, and Naples.

Constantine II of Georgia

For this purpose, Georgian ambassadors were sent to the Burji sultan of Egypt Qaitbay, and also to Pope Alexander VI and Isabella I of Castile.

Coventry Cross

In 1494 Pope Alexander VI set up a commission of enquiry to look into miracles attributed to him and by 1499 his cult was even bigger than that of Thomas Becket.

Guidobaldo da Montefeltro

He fought as one of Pope Alexander VI's captains alongside the French troops of King Charles VIII of France during the latter's invasion of southern Italy; later, he was hired by the Republic of Venice against Charles.

Isolda Dychauk

In the European co-production television series of Borgia, Dychauk plays the role of Lucrezia, whose father was Rodrigo Borgia - later Pope Alexander VI - played by the American actor John Doman.

Papal conclave, September 1503

The papal conclave of September 1503 elected Pope Pius III to succeed Pope Alexander VI.

The Brentford Trilogy

# The Antipope (1981) - Pooley and Omally take on the resurrected Pope Alexander VI the last Borgia pope.

Vannozza dei Cattanei

Vannozza dei Cattanei (Giovanna de Candia, contessa dei Cattanei; 13 July 1442 – 24 November 1518) was an Italian noblewoman from the House of Candia, who was one of the many mistresses of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, future Pope Alexander VI.

Cardinals created by Callixtus III

Rodrigo Borgia, nephew of the Pope – cardinal-deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere, then cardinal-bishop of Albano (30 August 1471) and cardinal-bishop of Porto-Santa Rufina (24 July 1476), on 11 August 1492 became Pope Alexander VI, † 18 August 1503

Edward Brampton

On the novel The Family, by Mario Puzo, Duarte Brandão is depicted as an escapee from England who becomes the personal advisor of Pope Alexander VI (Borgia), a mortal opponent of Savonarola.

Ferdinand Gregorovius

He also wrote biographies of Pope Alexander VI and Lucrezia Borgia, as well as works on Byzantine history and medieval Athens, and translated Italian authors into German, among them Giovanni Melis.

Gioffre Borgia

Gioffre de Candia Borgia, also known as Goffredo, in Italian, or Jofré Borja in Valencian, (1482–1518) was the youngest son of Pope Alexander VI and Vannozza dei Cattanei, and the youngest brother of Cesare Borgia, Giovanni Borgia, and Lucrezia Borgia.

Le Curé de Tours

(7) Troubert is bracketed, perhaps somewhat improbably, with Pope Sixtus V, Pope Gregory VII, Pope Alexander VI, Pope Innocent III and Czar Peter the Great of Russia.

Papal conclave, October 1503

The previous conclave in September had been marked by the Italian Wars, surrounded by the forces of Louis XII of France, Ferdinand II of Aragon, and Cesare Borgia, the former cardinal-nephew of Pope Alexander VI.

Santa Maria in Traspontina

Pope Alexander VI demolished an ancient Roman pyramid on the same site (the Meta Romuli, believed in the Middle Ages to be Romulus's tomb, and portrayed on the bronze doors to St Peter's Basilica and in a Giotto di Bondone triptych in the Vatican Museums) for the construction of the first church.

Sultan Cem

In the Showtime series The Borgias, Cem is played by British actor Elyes Gabel, and is depicted anachronistically in Rome under the papacy of Innocent VIII's successor, Pope Alexander VI.

see also

Birthplace of Alexander VI

From the original house where was born the Pope Alexander VI it's preserved the façade, with wide dovelaje door and inside a flattened arch of ionic columns.

Route of the Borgias

Natal house of Alexander VI: Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI, was born in Xativa and was christened in the church of San Pedro in 1431.