
unusual facts about Alexander Trocchi

International Poetry Incarnation

The event attracted an audience of 7,000 people to readings and live and tape performances by a wide variety of figures, including Adrian Mitchell, Alexander Trocchi, Allen Ginsberg, Harry Fainlight, Anselm Hollo, Christopher Logue, George Macbeth, Gregory Corso, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Michael Horovitz, Simon Vinkenoog, Spike Hawkins, Tom McGrath, Ernst Jandl, and William S. Burroughs.

Iris Owens

During the 1950s she lived in Paris, where she was associated with the group of expatriate writers who produced the literary review Merlin, among them Alexander Trocchi, Christopher Logue, George Plimpton and Richard Seaver.

Rebel Inc.

A steady stream of eclectic but edgy releases then ensued, with out-of-print editions by the likes of Alexander Trocchi and Sadegh Hedayat, themselves substantially influential on many of the recent darker Scots authors like Welsh and Alan Warner.

see also