Count Armand Alexandre de Blanquet du Chayla (1885–1945) was a French nobleman who converted to Russian Orthodoxy.
Of particular interest to historians of the notorious Protocols of Zion is Prof. Barans presentation of his research on two individuals, Sergei Svatikov (1880–1942), and Alexandre du Chayla (1885–1945).
Alexandre Dumas | Alexandre Benois | Alexandre Guilmant | Alexandre Yersin | Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis | Alexandre Pires | Alexandre Herculano | Alexandre Dumas, fils | Alexandre Barbera-Ivanoff | Alexandre-Antonin Taché | Louis-Alexandre Taschereau | Charles-Alexandre Léon Durand Linois | Alexandre Michon | Alexandre Lenoir | Alexandre Koyré | Alexandre Calame | Alexandre-Athenase Noghès | Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny | Pierre-Alexandre Aveline | Louis Alexandre Andrault de Langeron | Henri-Alexandre Wallon | Alexandre Vinet | Alexandre Tharaud | Alexandre Silva Cleyton | Alexandre Pato's | Alexandre Pato | Alexandre Millerand | Alexandre Massura | Alexandre Marine | Alexandre Luigini |