
unusual facts about Alexis Carrel

Georges Blond

Blond initially came to attention as a disciple of Alexis Carrel, and when reviewing Carrel's book L'Homme, cet inconnu for the journal Le petit dauphinois commented that Carrel was one of the few writers who would genuinely alter who people thought of themselves.

Henry Drysdale Dakin

Due to a request for a chemist by Alexis Carrel to the Rockefeller Institute, Dakin joined Carrel in 1916 at a temporary hospital in Compiègne.

Henry Gassett Davis

He recommended opening and evacuating abscesses and washing them with warm water and chlorine, an early form of the more modern Carrel-Dakin method of wound treatment.

Victimless Leather

The bioreactor used in this project was custom made, based on an organ perfusion pump designed by Alexis Carrel and Charles Lindbergh.

see also