
unusual facts about Alfonso VI of León and Castile

Azuqueca de Henares

In the Middle Ages, it was a refuge for the traders when it was under Arabic control, but, after the Christian reconquest, by the king Alfonso VI.

García Ordóñez

More probably she was from southern France, being the daughter of Almanricus, viscount of Rochechouart and one of those French barons who had answered Alfonso VI's international call for aid against the Almoravids following the Battle of Sagrajas (1086).

Haro, La Rioja

Alfonso VI of León and Castile entrusted the tenencia to Diego López I de Haro after the death of count García Ordóñez and the first of the lords of Biscay to attach the name of this town to his patronymic was Diego's son, Lope Díaz I de Haro.

Jazmin Hiaya

He is known from the legend that, when he was a young boy he had been promised the princess Aixa Galiana, niece of Al-Qadir, the last Moorish king of Toledo before the conquest of Alfonso VI.

see also