
4 unusual facts about Alice Beck Kehoe

Alice Beck Kehoe

She has studied Native American spiritual healers ("medicine people") and worked with Piakwutch, "an elderly deeply respected Cree man who served his Saskatchewan Cree community..." <2000:60>.

Kehoe has worked many years with the Blackfoot or Niitsitapi Nation, an Algonquian Native American group of Browning, Montana, with whom she visits each year to study their history and culture.

Archaeology in Saskatchewan

Alice Beck Kehoe orchestrated the first major historic site excavation in Saskatchewan at the François-Finlay posts discovered by Morton earlier on.

Hyperdiffusionism in archaeology

Alice Beck Kehoe begins her argument with the very blunt phrase that diffusionism is a "grossly racist ideology"(Kehoe 2008, 144) and though she agrees that diffusion of culture can be done through contact and trading, she disagrees with the theory that civilization came from one superior ancient society (Kehoe 2008, 148).

see also