
4 unusual facts about Alids

Al-Kumayt ibn Zayd al-Asadi

Later, Horovitz sums up his belief that al-Kumayt had conflicting poetry by saying, β€œal-Kumayt was capable of composing eulogies simultaneously to the 'Alids and the Umayyads.”


Genealogoical chart of the descent from the Prophet of the Idrisid dynasty, rulers of Fez and Morocco, Kings of Tunis, and the Senussi dynasty, founders and heads of the Libyan Senussi Order and Kings of Libya are also descended from the other brother Hasan ibn Ali through Al Hassan Addakhil.

Hasan ibn Zayd was the son of Zayd who gave origin to the Zaydids in Tabaristan (Alavids).

The Alid Dynasty of the Muse clan or Banu Muse clan of Somalia, who are descended from Ali through there ancestor Muse ibn Mohammed al Hashimi.


'Alids | Alids |

Idris I of Morocco

His brothers Muhammad and Ibrahim had been killed by the Abbasids during an abortive rebellion, and Idris himself escaped after the defeat of another Alid uprising at the Battle of Fakhkh in 786 and took refuge in the western Maghreb (nowadays Morocco).

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