
unusual facts about Allele


They started off the year opening for Sevendust, Nonpoint and Wicked Wisdom at The Rave in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 12, several small "hometown" dates around Chicago, and 3 day stint with Allele in March.


allele | Allele |

Black panther

Melanism in the jaguar (Panthera onca) is conferred by a dominant allele, and in the leopard (Panthera pardus) by a recessive allele.

Felix Bernstein

Felix Bernstein (February 24, 1878, Halle, Germany – December 3, 1956, Zurich, Switzerland) was a German Jewish mathematician known for developing a theorem of the equivalence of sets in 1897, and less well known for demonstrating the correct blood group inheritance pattern of multiple alleles at one locus in 1924 through statistical analysis.

Genetic carrier

For example, the daughters of Queen Victoria, Princesses Alice and Beatrix, were carriers of the X-linked hemophilia gene (an abnormal allele of a gene, necessary to produce one of the blood clotting factors).


When found B*4601 segregates with only 2 HLA-Cw alleles, A limited number of HLA-A and HLA-DRB1 alleles suggesting that the allele recently expanded from a limited sized group within SE Asia.

It is the result of a recombination event between B62(B*1501) and an HLA-C allele within Asia.

Human genetic clustering

(A. W. F. Edwards, 2003 but see also infobox "Multi Locus Allele Clusters")


This has been traced to an allele of TYRP1 unique to these people, and is not the same gene that causes blond hair in Europe.

Microfluidic whole genome haplotyping

Microfluidic whole genome haplotyping is a technique for the physical separation of individual chromosomes from a metaphase cell followed by direct resolution of the haplotype for each allele.


Along with mir-241, mir-48 is found in the lin-58 allele between the genes hum-5 and unc-76.

Race and genetics

While acknowledging Lewontin's observation that humans are genetically homogeneous, A. W. F. Edwards in his 2003 paper "Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy" argued that information distinguishing populations from each other is hidden in the correlation structure of allele frequencies, making it possible to classify individuals using mathematical techniques.

Uveal melanoma

The most important genetic alteration associated with poor prognosis in uveal melanoma is inactivation of BAP1, which most often occurs through mutation of one allele and subsequent loss of an entire copy of Chromosome 3 (Monosomy 3) to unmask the mutant copy.


One study showed weak linkage to the Xq28 region, whereas a second in 1999 studying Canadian material consisting of 52 pairs of gay brothers found no statistically significant linkage in alleles and haplotypes and concluded against an X-linked male homosexuality gene.

see also