
unusual facts about Almighty

Rocket to Uranus

A club remix for the song was provided by legendary producers Almighty Records.

Afaese Manoa

Afaese Manoa is the author of words and music to an anthem, Tuvalu mo te Atua (Tuvalu for the Almighty), in the Tuvaluan language.

Bridge of Blood

Bridge of Blood is based on Through Gates of Splendor and Shadow of the Almighty, two books written by Elisabeth Elliot.

Cale Case

"I'm a religious man; I believe in God Almighty. I believe there has to be a separation between the laws of this state and what religious people believe," Case said.

Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.

He is to provide arms and support to a megalomaniac named Don Julian Alvarado, who is calling himself "El Supremo" or "The Almighty" (Alec Mango), in his rebellion against Spain, an ally of Britain's enemy France.

Coronations in Norway

Following this, he knelt before the high altar, where Bishop Arne Fjellbu laid his hand on the king's head and recited a special prayer of consecration and blessing which formed the climax of the ritual:Eternal, Almighty God, Heavenly Father, we thank thee whose grace in need has always gone over our land in woeful and good times to this day.

Crystal Blue Persuasion

However, according to James's manager, James was actually inspired by his readings of the Book of Ezekiel, which (he remembered as) speaking of a blue Shekhinah light that represented the presence of the Almighty God, and of the Book of Isaiah and Book of Revelation, which tell of a future age of brotherhood of mankind, living in peace and harmony.

Darren Wharton

New to the line up were vocalist Ricky Warwick of The Almighty and Def Leppard guitarist Vivian Campbell although the latter was subsequently replaced by Richard Fortus and then Damon Johnson.

Dog Almighty

Dog Almighty is a Norwegian rock band consisting of Fridtjof Nilsen, Kim Nordbæk and Fredrik Wallumrød, started in January 2006.

Dylan Avery

In November 2009, he filmed a music video for The Almighty Terribles' song "Dream of Dreams" on location at the abandoned Lambertville High School in Lambertville, NJ.

Gimme Love

After Alexia's success in the UK with the Almighty remix of "Uh La La La", a full set of remixes were commissioned for the UK market.

John Rosengren

His six include Blades of Glory: The True Story of a Young Team Bred to Win, which chronicles a season spent with a successful Minnesota high school hockey team; Hammerin' Hank, George Almighty and the Say Hey Kid: The Year that Changed Baseball Forever, an account of the 1973 baseball season; and ghost-wrote Esera Tuaolo's aubiography Alone in the Trenches: My Life as a Gay Man in the NFL.

Juror's oath

In Western Australia each jury has a choice to either "swear by Almighty God" or "solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm" to "give a true verdict according to the evidence upon the issue(s) to be tried by me."

Natalie Brown

Natalie Browne, England-based vocalist project name owned by Almighty Records

Natalie Powers

The public interest in Pop Idol prompted Almighty to ask Natalie to record a dance version of "Unchained Melody", which was soon to be released by Gareth Gates, one of the finalists.

Opinion of Islamic scholars on Jihad

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a renowned scholar based in Qatar writes in his book Fiqh of Jihad,"The third category is the "moderate Ummah" which Almighty Allah has guided to the approach of moderation and granted knowledge, wisdom, and deep understanding of the Shari`ah and reality.

Richard Brothers

Brothers proclaimed himself to be Prince of the Hebrews, literal descendant of the Biblical House of David, and the Nephew of the Almighty who would rule over Israel until the return of Jesus Christ.


This state of calmness and fulfilment brings us closer to the Almighty, because where there is complete peace in the mental state of the person, the mind can focus on the ultimate reality, the Akal Purakh.


Muktanand Swami composed the words of the Swaminarayan Aarti as expression that Lord Swaminarayan is almighty God supreme.

Shades of Culture

They have toured with Bad Brains, (The Almighty) Trigger Happy, SNFU, Ten Foot Pole and several other popular underground and mainstream acts.

Syro-Ephraimite War

Isaiah concludes these prophecies concerning his children (Shear-Jashub (meaning 'a remnant returns', Isaiah 7.3), Immanuel (meaning 'God is with us'), and Maher-shalal-hash-baz (meaning 'quick to plunder, speedy to spoil') by saying, 'Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.' (Isaiah 8.18 NIV) Interestingly enough, the context continues into chapter 9 which also uses a birth of a child as its object.

The Boy and the King

This righteous man tells Obaid that there is only one God, Allah Almighty and that He created mankind to worship Him alone.

The Music I Like

An additional set of remixes were made for the UK market by Trouser Enthusiasts and Almighty (who had done the UK version of "Uh La La La", with the Almighty mix having a soundalike sample from Stardust's "Music Sounds Better With You" which was the big dance hit of summer 1998.

The Seduction of Almighty God by the Boy Priest Loftus in the Abbey of Calcetto, 1539

The Seduction of Almighty God by the Boy Priest Loftus in the Abbey of Calcetto, 1539 is a play by British playwright Howard Barker.

see also