
unusual facts about Alpı, Ulus


Alpı, Ulus, a village in the district of Ulus, Bartın Province, Turkey

Abu'l-Khayr Khan

After being released in 1428, Abu'l-Khayr began consolidating various nomadic groups of the old Shaybani ulus in the area around Tyumen and the Tura River.


Alpı, Ujar, a village and municipality of Ujar Rayon, Azerbaijan

Alpı, Kastamonu, a village in the district of Kastamonu, Kastamonu Province, Turkey


In the 1623—1624 census book of Mikhail Kaysarov this territory was divided into two uluses, Karyevsky Ulus and Rozhin Ulus.


Aşağıçamlı, Ulus, a village in the district of Ulus, Bartın Province


Aşağıdere, Ulus, a village in the district of Ulus, Bartın Province


Aşağıköy, Ulus, a village in the district of Ulus, Bartın Province

Buyan Suldus

When the Qara'unas Amir Qazaghan killed Qazan Khan and took effective control of the Chagatai Khanate in 1346, his base of power was in the southern portion of the ulus; he mostly left the northern tribes alone.

Hordes of the Jochid Ulus

According to the Tarikh-i Dost Sultan written by Ötemish Hajji in Khiva in the 1550s, Batu's ulus was officially known as the "White Horde", Orda's the "Blue Horde" and Shiban's the "Grey Horde".

Orda's Ulus or more appropriately, the Left wing of the Jochid Ulus was one of the uluses within the Mongol Empire formed around 1225, after the death of Jochi when his son, Orda-Ichen (Орд эзэн, Lord Orda), inherited his father's appanage by the Jaxartes.


Konuklu, Ulus, a village in the district of Ulus, Bartın Province

Olja Ivanjicki

She was a member of ULUS, a Belgrade artists' association, and a one-time Deputy Governor of the American Biographical Institute and a Deputy Director General of the International Biographical Center based in Cambridge, England.

Şükrü Enis Regü

Later he settled in Ankara as the Children's Editor for Ulus newspaper, the leading national daily of that period.

Tughlugh Timur

Meanwhile, in Transoxiana the Qara'unas lost their status as de facto leaders of the Chagatai ulus; they were replaced by Buyan Suldus, an easygoing and ineffective amir.


Yenikışla, Ulus, a village in the district of Ulus, Bartın Province

see also