Merchant published a number of books of poetry, including Breaking the Code (1975), No Dark Glass (1979) and Confrontation of Angels (1986), and also wrote libretti for Alun Hoddinott.
In 1979 BBC Wales broadcast an operatic adaptation of The Rajah's Diamond by Alun Hoddinott, starring Geraint Evans and featuring the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.
Alun Hoddinott | Alun Lewis | Alun School | Alun River | Alun Owen | Alun Ffred Jones | Alun Cochrane |
They have an active commissioning policy and have performed works by many of Britain’s leading composers; John McCabe, Judith Bingham, Elgar Howarth, Edward Gregson, Alun Hoddinott, Karl Jenkins, Gareth Wood, David Bedford, as well as John Pickard.
Mr. Lucas has also commissioned and premiered many works by composers Theodore Antoniou, Gary D. Belshaw, Derek Bourgeouis, Jacques Casterede, Franz Cibulka, Adam Gorb, Alun Hoddinott, Elena Roussanova Lucas, David Maslanka, Daniel Schnyder, and Fisher Tull.