Daniel Gabriel began training as a merchant in Amsterdam after his parents died on 14 August 1701 from eating poisonous mushrooms.
In 1941, Wieland isolated the toxin alpha-amanitin, the principal active agent of one of the world's most poisonous mushrooms Amanita phalloides.
Alpha-amanitin is the main toxin from the species Amanita phalloides, poisonous if ingested by humans or animals.
Phalloidin - A very toxic polypeptide isolated mainly from Amanita phalloides (Agaricaceae) or death cap; causes fatal liver, kidney and CNS damage in mushroom poisoning; used in the study of liver damage.
Amanita phalloides, the death cap, a poisonous basidiomycete fungus species
Phallolysin is a toxic hemolysin that has been isolated from the death cap mushroom Amanita phalloides.
The phallotoxins consist of at least seven compounds, all of which are bicyclic heptapeptides (seven amino acids), isolated from the death cap (Amanita phalloides).
Amanita | Amanita muscaria | Amanita phalloides | Amanita Design | Amanita nothofagi | Amanita bisporigera | Amanita australis | Amanita strobiliformis | Amanita Pestilens | ''Amanita muscaria | Amanita caesarea | A collection of ''Amanita ceciliae'' showing typical colouration, from Piacenza |
It is possibly the most deadly of all the amatoxins, toxins found in several species of the Amanita genus of mushrooms, one being the death cap (Amanita phalloides) as well as the destroying angel, a complex of similar species, principally A. virosa and A. bisporigera.
It is an amatoxin, a group of toxins isolated from and found in several members of the Amanita genus of mushrooms, one being the Death cap (Amanita phalloides) as well as the Destroying angel, a complex of similar species, principally A. virosa and A. bisporigera.