
8 unusual facts about Amanita muscaria

Altered States

During the walk into the bush his guide states that the indigenous tribe they are meeting works with Amanita muscaria which they are collecting for next year's ceremonies.

Blaise Daniel Staples

The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the Eucharist explores the role that entheogens in general, and Amanita muscaria in particular, played in Greek and biblical mythology and later on in Renaissance painting, most notably in the Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald.

Hartmut Geerken

In the second paper, he states that he had discovered a tradition of recreational use of the Amanita muscaria use among the Parachi-speaking people of the Shutul Valley.


In addition, it sold a large variety of plants, as well as Amanita muscaria mushrooms.

John M. Allegro

The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross argued that Jesus in the Gospels was in fact a code for a type of hallucinogen, the Amanita muscaria, and that Christianity was the product of an ancient "sex-and-mushroom" cult.

Philip Johan von Strahlenberg

In writing about the shamanic rituals of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, he noted their use of the fly agaric mushroom (Amanita muscaria).


Medieval brewers had used many problematic ingredients to preserve beers, including soot and fly agaric mushrooms.

Toadstool Geologic Park

The park is named after its unusual rock formations, many of which resemble toadstools.

Peter Lamborn Wilson

In addition to his writings on lifestyle anarchism and Temporary Autonomous Zones, Bey has written essays on other topics such as Tong traditions, the utopian Charles Fourier, the poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, alleged connections between Sufism and ancient Celtic culture, technology and Luddism, Amanita muscaria use in ancient Ireland, and sacred pederasty in the Sufi tradition.

Phytophthora cambivora

Some species of mycorhiza (including Amanita muscaria, Boletus luridus and Hebeloma radicosum) may provide protection from P. cambivora in European Chestnuts.

see also

Clark Heinrich

The book The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the Eucharist deals with possible occurrences of entheogens in general, and Amanita muscaria in particular, in Greek and biblical mythology and later on in Renaissance painting, most notably in the Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald.

His book Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, which is an improved second edition of his earlier Strange Fruit, explores the role that Amanita muscaria may have played in various mythologies, belief systems and religious art throughout history, such as Native American Anishinaabeg mythology, the Rig Veda, the Puranas, the biblical Old Testament and New Testament, Gnosticism, the Holy Grail legend, Alchemy and Renaissance painting.