In the film, the butler Mr. Beddoes, played by John Gielgud, brings this drink to his employer, Mr. Ratchett, just prior to the discovery of the murder.
Moon | Sailor Moon | moon | From the Earth to the Moon | Keith Moon | Ban Ki-moon | Titan (moon) | Amber | From the Earth to the Moon (miniseries) | The Dark Side of the Moon | Transformers: Dark of the Moon | Sun Myung Moon | Half Moon Bay, California | William Least Heat-Moon | Moon River | Half Moon Bay | Emily of New Moon | Amber Tamblyn | Warren Moon | Ring Round the Moon | Moon Ska Records | Full Moon | Explorers on the Moon | Bitter Moon | Amber Benson | amber | Vincent Moon | The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress | Shine On, Harvest Moon | Amber Lee Ettinger |