
8 unusual facts about Amenhotep III

Egyptian Building

The hieroglyphics in the antechamber to auditorium come from an Egyptian hymn to the gods Amun and Aten in the reign of Amenhotep III (1390-1353 B.C.).

Ernest Richmond

He qualified as an architect in 1900; but in 1895 had already visited Egypt and assisted Somers Clarke with his book on the temple of Amenhotep III.

Jersey Mummy

The mummy was dated to around 1069-945 BC, the time of King Amunoph III.


In the Amarna letters, Amenhotep III wrote to the Arzawan king Tarhunta-Radu that the "country Hattusa" was obliterated, and further asked for Arzawa to send him some of these Kaska people of whom he had heard.

Lion hunting

Commemorative artwork has been found telling of how during a single hunt, pharaoh Amenhotep III killed more than 100 lions.

Quay with Sphinxes

They are made from syenite and initially were in front of a magnificent temple, which was built in Egypt near Thebes for the pharaoh Amenhotep III.

Universitetskaya Embankment

A quay in front of the Academy of Arts building, adorned with two authentic sphinxes of Pharaoh Amenhotep III brought in 1832 from Thebes, Egypt, was designed by Konstantin Thon and built in 1832-1834.


She claimed to be under the influence of the personality of Babylonian princess and Pharaoh Amenhotep III's wife Telika-Ventiu, who supposedly lived about 3,300 years ago.

Egyptian chronology

Synchronisms with inscriptions relating to the burial of Apis bulls begin as early as the reign of Amenhotep III and continue into Ptolemaic times, but there is a significant gap in the record between Ramesses XI and the 23rd year of Osorkon II.


:"Say to the king, my lord, my Sun: Message of Rib-Hadda, your servant. May the Lady of Gubla grant power to the king, my lord. I fall at the feet of my lord 7 times and 7 times. Moereover, give thought to Gubla, your loyal city. Earlier, 'Abdi-Aširta attacked me, and I wrote to your father, (i.e. Amenhotep III), "Send the royal archers, and the entire land will be taken in a day.

see also


Ptahmose, son of Menkheper, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis during the time of Thutmose IV and/or Amenhotep III

Ptahmose, son of Thutmose, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis during the time of Thutmose IV and/or Amenhotep III

Quay with Sphinxes

Their faces are portraits of Amenhotep III and the shape of their headwear (crowns "pa shemti") indicate that he was the ruler of two kingdoms—the Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.