
2 unusual facts about Americablog


In January 2007, during Super Bowl XLI, AMERICAblog joined TowleRoad.com in calling homophobic a Snickers candy ad that aired during the game.

AMERICAblog first received widespread media attention after it revealed that Jeff Gannon, a member of the White House press corps with a reputation for asking 'softball' questions at opportune moments for Press Secretary Scott McClellan, was actually James Guckert and had advertised his services as a gay male escort.


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Blogads provides advertising to many high-traffic blogs, including Daily Kos, Perez Hilton, Cute Overload, Wonkette, Dlisted, Go Fug Yourself, Atrios, Talking Points Memo, Americablog, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Political Wire, and Outside the Beltway.

see also