
2 unusual facts about Wonkette


The blog gained further national media attention after Cox publicized the story of Jessica Cutler aka "Washingtonienne", a former Hill staffer who blogged about her affair with a member of former Senator Mike DeWine's staff.

In April 2011, Wonkette came under criticism after blogger Jack Stuef wrote a post that was interpreted as mocking Trig Palin for his having Down syndrome.


Wonkette |

Ana Marie Cox

Cox and Wonkette gained notoriety in the political world for publicizing the story of Jessica Cutler, also known as "Washingtonienne", a staff assistant to Senator Mike DeWine (R.-Ohio) who accepted money from a George W. Bush administration official and others in exchange for sexual favors.


Blogads provides advertising to many high-traffic blogs, including Daily Kos, Perez Hilton, Cute Overload, Wonkette, Dlisted, Go Fug Yourself, Atrios, Talking Points Memo, Americablog, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Political Wire, and Outside the Beltway.

The Consumerist

In creating The Consumerist he established its slogan and initial focus on readers complaints, "consumer-oriented news nuggets, funny pictures and shopping tips — all with the same snarky tone that characterizes Gawker properties like Wonkette and Defamer.".

see also