Her husband was a distinguished barrister of Madras who studied at Edinburgh and London Universities before obtaining a doctorate in law from the prestigious Harvard University.
At 13, according to the Sambandam tradition then prevalent in her society, Ammu was given in marriage to Dr. Subbarama Swaminadhan, a kindly Brahmin gentleman.
The couple's grandchildren include the dancer and actress Mallika Sarabhai and the communist women's activist Subhashini Ali.
Ammukutty Swaminadhan was born into the Vadakkath family of Anakkara in Palghat district, Kerala.
Her mother Ammu Swaminathan was a remarkable woman of her times, and a great freedom fighter.
Mrinalini was born in Kerala as the daughter of social worker and former parliament member Ammu Swaminathan.
In 1959, the Federation of Film Societies of India was set up at the initiative of Das Gupta, Satyajit Ray, Mrs. Vijaya Mulay, Mrs. Ammu Swaminathan, Robert Hawkins, Diptendu Pramanick, Abul Hassan and A. Roychowdhury.
Sahgal was born as Lakshmi Swaminathan in Madras (now known as Chennai) on 24 October 1914 to S. Swaminathan, a lawyer who practiced criminal law at Madras High Court, and A.V. Ammukutty, better known as Ammu Swaminathan, a social worker and independence activist from the Vadakkath family of Anakkara in Palghat, Kerala.
There were three Vice Presidents (Ammu Swaminathan, Robert E Hawkins & S Gopalan); Joint Secretaries were Vijaya Mulay and Chidananda Dasgupta and the Joint Treasurers were Diptendu Pramanick and Abul Hasan.