Gireesh who was working as assosiate director to Priyadarshan was contacted by anand who produced the movie "parayanum vayya parayathirikkanum vayya" and expressed his interest in producing a movie with gireesh as director.Later anand dropped the project however gireesh bagged another producer with help from his few friends.Shooting was completed in 26 days in and around Palghat and Thiruvilwamala.
Ammukutty Swaminadhan was born into the Vadakkath family of Anakkara in Palghat district, Kerala.
Properly the name is, in fact, applicable only to the country of the Kanarese extending between the Eastern and Western Ghats, over an irregular area narrowing northwards, from Palghat in the south to Gulbarga,Bidar in the north, and including Mysore.
Sahgal was born as Lakshmi Swaminathan in Madras (now known as Chennai) on 24 October 1914 to S. Swaminathan, a lawyer who practiced criminal law at Madras High Court, and A.V. Ammukutty, better known as Ammu Swaminathan, a social worker and independence activist from the Vadakkath family of Anakkara in Palghat, Kerala.
A darker race travancoriensis was described by Sidney Dillon Ripley in 1953 for the form possibly restricted south of the Palghat Gap.
Often, the Malayalee Muslim community of Malaysia and Singapore and few of them in Kerala write Malayalam using Arabic Script.The dialect is extensively spoken by Muslims in the North Malabar region of Kerala i.e. in the districts of Malappuram, Kozhikode, Palghat, Wayanad, Trichur, Kannur and Kasaragod.
Hyder Ali first marched to present day Kerala in 1757 as per request of King of Palghat who was a long-time military foe of the Zamorin of nearby Kingdom of Calicut.
Palghat Parameswara Bhagavathar (1815-1892) was a Carnatic music composer and musician born in Nurani, Kerala, India.