In the aftermath of the devastating Uttarakhand floods, Gupta helped rescue a family which was stranded there, ensuring that the Uttarakhand Chief Minister himself looked into the matter.
Supported by Indian radio station Red FM, Gupta tracked Khan across Mumbai in an effort to meet him.He finally took to camping outside Shah Rukh Khan's home in Mannat for three days until Khan relented and agreed to meet Gupta.
Gupta Empire | Sanjay Gupta | Gupta | Subodh Gupta | Deepti Gupta | Rajat Gupta | Rabindra Kumar Das Gupta | Partho Sen-Gupta | Buddhadev Das Gupta | Anwesha Datta Gupta | Vikas Gupta | Tanika Gupta | Suraj N. Gupta | Sunetra Gupta | Sanjay Gupta (director) | Rohit Gupta | Ranjit Kumar Gupta | Neena Gupta | Manish Gupta | Manav Gupta | Gupta script | Geeta Rao Gupta | Bhupesh Gupta |