
unusual facts about Amrus ibn Yusuf


Aysun had two servants called Amrus (later General Amrus ibn Yusuf) and Sabrit, who after 785 served Matruh.

García Íñiguez of Pamplona

In 870, García formed an alliance with the Muslim rebel Amrūs ibn Umar ibn Amrūs, who had killed Garcia's nephew Mūsā ibn Galindo of Huesca, and the next year was apparently in a new alliance with the sons of Mūsā ibn Mūsā, now in rebellion against Córdoba.


It became part of the County of Aragon, but in the early 9th century was held for five years by Amrus ibn Yusuf, the governor of Zaragoza, being retaken after his death.

see also

Aureolus of Aragon

After Aureolus died in 809 the Frankish lobby secured succession for Aznar Galíndez I, but Amrus ibn Yusuf overran the county of Sobrarbe, which was not reconquered by Aznar until 814.