
2 unusual facts about Ibn Khaldun


Famous scholar Ibn Khaldun described how Banu Hilal and other Arab tribes helped spread the Arab language in areas that had been Berber speaking.

Usama Hasan

Hasan has argued that Islam is compatible with the theory of evolution, dismissing the story of Adam and Eve as "children's madrasa-level understanding" of human origins while pointing to antecedents of the modern theory of evolution among medieval Muslim philosophers like Ibn Khaldun and Ibn Miskawayh.

Arthur Laffer

The basic concept was not new; Laffer himself says he learned it from Ibn Khaldun and John Maynard Keynes.


It was a familiar term in the pre-Islamic era, but became popularized in Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah where it is described as the fundamental bond of human society and the basic motive force of history.


The term was originally coined by Peter Turchin in 2003, and can be traced to the work of such figures as Ibn Khaldun, Jack Goldstone, Sergey Kapitsa, Randall Collins, Peter Turchin, John Komlos, Sergey Nefedov and Andrey Korotayev.

Du You

Du was "a political thinker on a grand scale," comparable to Ibn Khaldun, according to Robert G. Hoyland.


No better is the variant of the legend, which we find, at a much later period, in the Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun, who tells us that the poets themselves hung up their poems on the Ka'ba (ed. Paris iii. 357).

Rawd al-Qirtas

is that the original author is Ibn Abi Zar as stated by Ibn Khaldun, and that Abd al-Halim is merely a summarizer at best.

see also

Project on Middle East Democracy

Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Founder, Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies, exiled Egyptian human rights activist