The State is a proud possessor of some rare and endemic plants like Cycas beddomei, Pterocarpus santalinus, Terminalia pallida, Syzygium alternifolium, Shorea talura, Shorea tumburgia, Psilotum nudam etc.
The vegetation found in the state is largely of dry deciduous type with a mixture of Teak, and species of the genera Terminalia, Dalbergias, Pterocarpus, Anogeissus etc.
The organization is officially authorized by Andhra Pradesh Forest Department to carryout rescue operations and awareness programs in Andhra Pradesh.
Andhra Pradesh | Uttar Pradesh | United States Department of Defense | United States Department of State | United States Department of Justice | United States Department of Agriculture | Black Forest | United States Department of Energy | United States Department of War | Himachal Pradesh | forest | United States Department of Veterans Affairs | United States Department of the Treasury | New Forest | War Department | United States Forest Service | Los Angeles Police Department | Arunachal Pradesh | United States Department of Transportation | Beni Department | Department of Energy | United States Department of Labor | Cochabamba Department | United States Department of Health and Human Services | United States Department of Education | Forest of Dean | Antioquia Department | United States Department of the Interior | Nottingham Forest F.C. | United States Department of Housing and Urban Development |