Once a large and celebrated estate, owned by the Gasqueton-Hanappier families, it was acquired by the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) in 1968, and André Lurton who had worked at the estate as a fermier since 1967, bought from INRA a smaller portion of Château Couhins.
In 1965, La Louvière was purchased by André Lurton, who embarked on restoration of both the château and of the vineyards.
André Previn | André Breton | Andre Agassi | André Malraux | André Derain | Victor André Cornil | Carl Andre | Andre Ward | Fabrizio De André | André the Giant | André Heller | André Gide | André-Gaston Prételat | André | Andre Norton | André Masséna | André Guignard | André Franquin | Andre Begemann | Peter Andre | Andre Williams | Andre Ware | André Leon Talley | André Le Nôtre | André Glucksmann | André Charlot | André Sogliuzzo | André Marie Constant Duméril | André-Jacques Garnerin | André Bauer |