He was born in 1896 and died in 1965.He was in office for less than a year and was succeeded by André Ménard
Just three days before the coup, the last colonial chief administrator of Yanam, George Sala, was recalled by André Ménard, the then Governor General of Pondicherry.
In 1936 Monsieur André Ménard (who later came back to India on July 31, 1950 as Governor of French settlements in India), then chef de cabinet and Secretary to the Governor's establishment went into Bharati Mills to negotiate a settlement with the workers who were on strike and was instead taken by them as a hostage for fulling their demands.
André Previn | André Breton | Andre Agassi | André Malraux | André Derain | Victor André Cornil | Carl Andre | Andre Ward | Fabrizio De André | André the Giant | André Heller | André Gide | André-Gaston Prételat | André | Andre Norton | André Masséna | André Guignard | André Franquin | Andre Begemann | Peter Andre | Andre Williams | Andre Ware | André Leon Talley | André Le Nôtre | André Glucksmann | André Charlot | André Sogliuzzo | André Marie Constant Duméril | André-Jacques Garnerin | André Bauer |