
unusual facts about Andrew Golota

Riddick Bowe vs. Andrew Golota

Riddick Bowe vs. Andrew Golota, billed as "Big Daddy's Home", was a professional boxing match contested on July 11, 1996.

Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen

Since returning to boxing in January 1999, former Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson was undefeated in the five fights he had fought between 1999 and 2000, notching three knockout wins over Francois Botha, Julius Francis and Lou Savarese, and fighting two no-contests with Orlin Norris and Andrew Golota.

Mike Tyson vs. Francois Botha

After another no contest against Andrew Golota (due to Tyson testing positive for cannabis after the fight) and win over Brian Nielsen, Tyson would eventually earn one last title shot against Lennox Lewis but was knocked out in the eighth round.

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