
6 unusual facts about Andrew Weil

Corn Refiners Association

Dr Andrew Weil recommended not changing from HFCS, calling the term Corn sugar "too vague" and the CRA's attempt to change HFCS's name "Orwellian".

Doctor Weil

Andrew Weil, American author and physician, proponent of integrative medicine

Drug Policy Alliance

Dr. Andrew Weil Award for Achievement in the Field of Drug Education

Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library

The Library's advisory Board of Trustees included a number of eminent researchers and writers, including Chauncey Leake, Richard Evans Schultes, Albert Hofmann, Alexander Shulgin, Andrew Weil, Oscar Janiger, Ralph Metzner, Laura Huxley, Allen Ginsberg, Weston LaBarre, R. Gordon Wasson, Tod H. Mikuriya, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

Public relations of high fructose corn syrup

Dr. Andrew Weil recommended not changing from HFCS, calling the term corn sugar "too vague" and the CRA's attempt to change HFCS's name "Orwellian".

Richard Nolte

He often awarded fellowships not just to the traditional fields of diplomacy and journalism, but also to a wide array of disciplines such as music (Roger Reynolds) and dieticians (Andrew Weil).

Systems medicine

Systems medicine has been popularised by, among others, Deepak Chopra, VA Shiva Ayyadurai and Andrew Weil.

see also