An original British television concept, there used to be a version of the show broadcast on Nine Network in Australia, hosted by Andrew Voss and Phil Gould, and had regularly featured chairman of Bye Supporters club Tim Andrews, and Sydney Roosters mascot Brian the Rooster.
Andrew Jackson | Andrew Lloyd Webber | Andrew Carnegie | Andrew Johnson | Hurricane Andrew | Andrew Wyeth | Prince Andrew, Duke of York | Andrew Marvell | Andrew Sullivan | Andrew | Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | Andrew Lang | Andrew Loog Oldham | Andrew Davies | Andrew Cuomo | Saint Andrew | Andrew Rosindell | Andrew Motion | Andrew Weil | Andrew Stevens | Andrew Hill | Andrew Young | Andrew Lincoln | Andrew Kötting | Andrew Hamilton | Andrew Davies (writer) | Voss | Andrew W.K. | Andrew S. Tanenbaum | Andrew Parrott |
He was followed by several other major media personalities, including Bill Anderson, David Fordham, David Morrow, Graeme Hughes, Peter Sterling, Mark Warren, Steve Roach and the current team headed by Andrew Voss.