The friends of Estonia were hosted by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, Enterprise Estonia Chairman of the Board Ülari Alamets, and businessman and honorary counsel of Morocco in Estonia Margus Reinsalu.
The traditional concert by the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ESSO) led by conductor Anu Tali took place on July 4th, the Friends of Estonia also met with Prime Minister Andrus Ansip and were received in the Oandu watermill by entrepreneur Margus Reinsalu.
On 27 November 2008, Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip announced that SAS had approached the Estonian government, urgently requesting a cash injection to save the airline and offering to buy out the government's stake in the airline.
Andrus Ansip | Andrus Murumets | Andrus, Blackwood and Company | Sherman Andrus | John Emory Andrus | Jeff Andrus | Elvis Andrus |
Amid political controversy, in April 2007 the newly elected Ansip government started final preparations for the reburial of the remains and relocation of the statue, according to the political mandate received during the March 2007 elections.