
2 unusual facts about Angels with Dirty Faces

Antonio Valentín Angelillo

Upon their arrival in Italy, Angelillo and his countrymen Omar Sivori and Humberto Maschio acquired the nickname The Angels with Dirty Faces (an ironic reference to the then-celebrated Angels with Dirty Faces movie), on account of their typically South American colour and flair.

Humberto Maschio

The name, an ironic reference to the then-celebrated Angels with Dirty Faces movie, was given to them on account of their typically South American colour and flair.

Round Round

It was written by band members Mutya Buena, Keisha Buchanan and Heidi Range, as well as Miranda Cooper, Niara Scarlett, Brian Higgins, Tim Powell, Nick Coler, Shawn Lee, and Lisa Cowling for the group's second studio album Angels with Dirty Faces (2002).

see also