
unusual facts about Anima: Age of the Robots

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb

Also in Anima: Age of the Robots, there is a minor character called Rif, also an orange-colored fox.

Alessandro Defilippi

He also worked on the screenplay for Prendimi l'anima, directed by Roberto Faenza, and has written poetry.

Anima Sound System

After touring Eastern European cities and capitals - 8 performances in Prague alone - Anima Sound System has begun to draw interest from Western European promoters - from the "Glasshaus" in Berlin, to "Divan du Monde" in Paris.

Carlo Milanuzzi

The motet Anima miseranda, appeared in 'Ghirlanda sacra scielta da diuersi Eccellentissimi Compositori', an anthology by various authors edited in Venice, 1625.

Charles Frederick of Jülich-Cleves-Berg

Charles Frederick was buried across from Pope Adrian VI, in the Santa Maria dell’Anima, the church in Rome of the Holy Roman Empire of German nation.

Cherubino Kirchmayr

Among his portraits are those of the Albrizzi family, the Countess Anima Morosini, the Hoyos family, and Don Carlos, pretender to the Spanish throne.

Fanny Tacchinardi Persiani

She sang at the (revised) première of Linda di Chamounix in Paris in November 1842, with Mario, Tamburini and Lablache, and for that occasion the composer added for her 'O luce di quest'anima', perhaps the most successful item in the work.

Franz Xaver Haberl

From 1867 to 1870 Haberl resided in Rome, where he was active as choirmaster at the German national church, Santa Maria dell'Anima, and also made historical and archæological researches.

Jesse Wolf Hardin

He resides at and co-directs the Animá Center, a wildlife sanctuary and wilderness restoration project in New Mexico’s Gila National Forest, where he and his partners Kiva Rose and Loba host workshops, vision quests, Medicine Woman Tradition student internships and wilderness retreats.

Johann Eck

In the theological field he produced his Chrysopassus (Augsburg, 1514), in which he developed a theory of predestination, while he obtained some fame as commentator on the Summulae of Peter of Spain and on Aristotle's De caelo and De anima.

Monster Rancher EVO

Exploration, similar to that of Monster Rancher 4, involves the character going out into the field with his or her monster(s), and defeating stray monsters and a chapter boss to gain anima points, used to gain new monster skills or perform 'union attacks'.

Nader El-Bizri

'Avicenna's De Anima Between Aristotle and Husserl', in The Passions of the Soul in the Metamorphosis of Becoming, ed.

Peter of Auvergne

Peter also left numerous treatises which are either at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, or at l'Arsenal de Paris: "Sex quodlibeta" long discussions after the manner of St. Thomas; "Sophisma Determinatum"; "Quæstiones super totam logicam veterem Arist."; "Quæstiones super Perphyrium"; "In Arist. Metaphysicam"; "In libros Politicorum"; "De somno et vigilia"; "De veget. et plantis"; "De anima".

Piero Boitani

Edited and translated into Italian Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Adelphi 1986, verse), Shakespeare’s Cymbeline (Garzanti 1994, verse), The Cloud of Unknowing (Adelphi 1998), a complete Chaucer with facing texts (Einaudi 2000), and (Life and Introduction) W.B. Yeats, Opera poetica (Mondadori, 2005); Il viaggio dell’anima (Fondazione Valla-Mondadori, 2007).

St Thomas of Canterbury Church, Chester

The Lady Chapel reredos features a Madonna and Child with the inscription "Magnificat anima mea Dominum, et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deum" from the Magnificat The Lady Chapel Altar has three carved panels featuring a pelican feeding her chicks with her own blood, a Lamb holding a Shepherd's staff with the inscription "Ecce Agnus Dei" and another carved panel depicting an Eagle in flight.

We All Need Love

In 1998, Mietta recorded a cover of the song in Italian-language, entitled "We All Need Love (Angeli Noi)" for her album La Mia Anima.

see also