
4 unusual facts about Annie Young

Andy Exley

There are currently two elected members of the Green Party of Minnesota serving in the Minneapolis city government: Ward 2 city council member Cam Gordon, and at-large Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board commissioner Annie Young.

Annie Young

She is one of two elected Green Party members in the Minneapolis city government; the other is city council member Cam Gordon.

Cam Gordon

He is the only non-DFL member of the council, and one of two elected Green Party members in the Minneapolis municipal government; the other is Minneapolis Park and Recreation commissioner Annie Young).

Minneapolis municipal elections, 2005

In other offices, the DFL-endorsed candidates won in all races except Ward 2 (Green Party Cam Gordon won by 141 votes over DFLer Cara Letofsky), 1 Park Board seat (Incumbent Annie Young had no DFL-endorsed opponent) and 1 Library Board seat (Incumbent Anita Duckor (independent) beat Gary Thaden (DFL).

see also

Minnesota State Auditor election, 2010

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board member Annie Young ran as the Green Party of Minnesota candidate.