
unusual facts about Antarctic Tern

Antarctic Tern

It is, of course, in breeding plumage in the southern summer, when Arctic has moulted to its non-breeding plumage (though this is not useful for separating it from another species, the South American Tern).

Cape Shirreff

Other birds nesting at the site in smaller numbers include Gentoo Penguins, Kelp Gulls, Brown Skuas, Snowy Sheathbills, Antarctic Terns, Imperial Shags, Wilson's and Black-bellied Storm Petrels, and Cape Petrels.

Lions Rump

Other birds nesting at the site in smaller numbers include Gentoo and Chinstrap Penguins, Southern Giant Petrels, Cape Petrels, Wilson's and Black-bellied Storm Petrels, Snowy Sheathbills, South Polar and Brown Skuas, Kelp Gulls and Antarctic Terns.

Narębski Point

Other birds recorded as breeding at the site in smaller numbers are Brown and South Polar Skuas, Kelp Gulls, Antarctic Terns, Wilson's Storm Petrels, Southern Giant Petrels and Snowy Sheathbills.

see also