
2 unusual facts about Antiphon


It was popular in Spain and Germany and there are examples from the 19th and 20th centuries, from composers as diverse as Hector Berlioz, Igor Stravinsky and Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Ambrose and Gregory the Great, who are known for their contributions to the formulation of Gregorian chant, are credited with 'antiphonaries', collections of works suitable for antiphon, which are still used in the Roman Catholic Church today.

411 BC

June 9 – The democracy of Athens is overthrown by the oligarchic extremists, Antiphon, Theramenes, Peisander and Phrynichus in an effort by the oligarcists to exert more control over the conduct of the war with Sparta and its allies.

Hugh Aston

However, on 27 November 1510 he supplicated for the degree of BMus at Oxford University, proposing for his examination an oration on the volumes of Boethius, and the submission (and performance) of a mass and an antiphon.

Paschale Mysterium

Several samples of the album where used without permission for the album MCMXC a.D. by Enigma, most famously in "Procedamus in pace! (Antiphon)" (second track on the 1981 edition of the album), which made much of "Sadeness (Part I)".

Richard Hygons

The Salve Regina, being based on a votive antiphon for Maundy Thursday, was probably intended for use on that day.

see also